Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oops... I did it again. Just like Britney.

Well clearly I dropped off the face of the planet after my last blog post (last September). So here we go again. 

I recently did a detox with my roommate Ande, and we had a blog where we dubbed ourselves the Detoxaholics (toxaholics.blogspot.com). That was a really great experience for both of us, and it totally reminded me how much fun blogging can be! 

Just like why I did the detox, I'm once again bored and unhappy with food and the food choices I make. So this blog is going to be focused on food and fitness. It won't have as many pictures as the Detoxaholics blog, but I'll do my best to take photos and provide recipes for the awesome things I cook and eat :) In addition to that, today I started One Hundred Push Ups and will be beginning Couch to 5k tomorrow so I can do them on opposite days of each other. I'll talk more about C25k tomorrow, but for today let's discuss 100 Push Ups. 

Both C25k and 100 Push Ups are building programs with 3 workouts a week for 9 weeks with the end goal of (obviously) being able to run a 5k and being able to do 100 push ups. As I've really done a crappy job of keeping up with workouts, I'm looking forward to both of these programs. I strive with structure and attainability, so if you do too, these are the programs for you! I would LOVE to be able to run a 5k this summer, especially this one Run For Your Lives: Zombie Infested 5k Run. How amazing would it be to get chased by zombies for 3.1 miles?! Love it. 

Before you begin 100 Push Ups, you are supposed to do the initial test to see how many you can do right away and then decide what day you start on based on that. I was pretty surprised at how hard it was actually! I only did 4 (woof) so that put me in Week 1 Day 1 for my first workout day (Thursday). W1D1 is sets of 2, 3, 2, 2, 3 with 60 seconds of rest between each set. Woo! Should be fun. Just kidding. It's gonna suck. LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be back tomorrow for the first day of C25k. Should I be scared? I'm scared.


  1. Haven't heard of the 100 pushups plan. I will have to check it out.

    Good luck on C25K. I am in Week 3 after being injured for 6 months.

    1. Way to get back in the game! I'm just about to hit the treadmill for D1W1. Kinda scared, not gonna lie :)
